Chamonix: building on success, planning for the future

Chamonix: building on success, planning for the future

The workshop will take place at le Majestic conference centre.

Le Majestic conference centre at Chamonix, where the workshop took place (Image: Carmin)


By Mike Lamont - As the HL-LHC project moves into full series production, the technical challenges associated with magnets, cold powering and crab cavities are being addressed. Looking beyond Long Shutdown 3 (LS3), potential limitations are already being targeted now, with, for example, electron cloud mitigation measures planned to be deployed in LS3. The transition to the high-luminosity era will involve a huge programme of work that requires meticulous preparation and a well-coordinated effort across the complex during LS3, which will see the deployment of HL-LHC, a widespread consolidation effort and other upgrades such as that planned for the ECN3 cavern at CERN’s North Area, CERN News.