By Florence Thompson (CERN)
An impressive operation took place in CERN’s magnet test hall, SM18. The High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) based Cold Powering System has been installed into the Inner Triplet (IT) String.
‘This milestone follows about ten years of development and design work, and the recent successful validation of the Cold Powering System tested in nominal operating conditions,’ says Amalia Ballarino, head of the Cold Powering System.
‘With this installation, we have proven that we are able to handle and transport this 100 kA class high temperature (MgB2 at up to 20 K and REBCO and REBCO at up to 60 K) superconducting system as a whole, with the about 80 m long Superconducting Link spooled and attached to the complex termination (DFHX cryostat with a multiplicity of nineteen current leads) that provides the electrical connection to the conventional room temperature cables.’
The movement required meticulous planning and coordination between the Cold Powering, IT String, and Transport teams. Marta Bajko, work package leader for the IT String, expands:
‘The movement required the use of two fully synchronized overhead cranes and a deployment system for the SC link system, presenting a significant challenge due to the complexity, dimensions, and weight of the equipment, as well as the limited size and space of the installation site. It was further complicated by the fact that the cryogenic infrastructure and distribution line, and the warm powering and circuit protection systems, had already been installed and commissioned, increasing the risk of potential damage during the handling of the Superconducting Link.
‘Despite these challenges, the efficient, high-quality, and safe intervention was carried out successfully. It is the result of numerous technical discussions this year between work packages 6A and 16, and the CERN transport team, as well as three major trials to optimise the process and which served as training for the personnel involved.’
Video of the installation on our YouTube Channel
Read the news article on the CERN website
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