MQSXFP1c and MCDXF01 test at INFN LASA

MQSXFP1c and MCDXF01 test at INFN LASA

Last month, the INFN LASA team tested the third assembly of the skew quadrupole corrector magnet MQSXFP1c and the first series production high order corrector, a decapole MCDXF01.

The two magnets, which were cooled together and powered individually, were tested at 4.2K and the results were extremely positive.

For the quadrupole, it proved the effectiveness of the design modifications that had been introduced to improve the training memory. After the thermal cycle, the magnet reached the ultimate current for both polarities without quenches, showing a perfect memory.

For the decapole, it confirmed the validity of the design and the technology transfer to the industry. This magnet reached the ultimate current with no quenches both at the first cool down and after the thermal cycle, and passed the stability test at ultimate.


Training of the skew quadrupole prototpye MQSXFP1 (left) - Training of the first series decapole MCDXF01 (right)