These days the HL-LHC IT STRING test facility in SM18 is approaching an important milestone: the completion of the infrastructure installation. As we did last year and in 2018, we organized the STRING Day III event, which allowed key stakeholders to report on the progress of their work and share the important lessons learned during the initial phases of installation and commissioning of their equipment systems. This was an opportunity to present several key aspects, including the tools to be used, the installation sequence and target period, the validation tests, and the safety measures to be implemented. The HL-LHC IT STRING Validation program was also presented, together with the status of the testing procedures for the commissioning of the IT String Hardware and associated software.
The full-day event held on 16th of October 2023, featured 17 presentations by the String team and the key stakeholders, who are preparing or have already completed the first phases of installation and commissioning in the IT String facility. The day ended with a guided tour of the facilities in SM18.
As in previous years, Dr. Rüdiger Schmidt, an advisor to the line and project management, carefully followed and scrutinized all presentations to ensure we are on the right track. We are grateful to Rüdiger for taking on this challenging task for the second time. We eagerly anticipate his report and as always very constructive feedback.
It's worth noting that the high-quality presentations from all participants provided a detailed overview of the achievements and future plans of WP16, demonstrating the commitment of 22 different groups, whether or not they are part of one of the six WPs within the HL-LHC project formally participating to the IT String project.
By Marta Bajko, WP16 co-leader, and Markus Zerlauth, HL-LHC Deputy Project Leader & HL-LHC IT String Day III Chair.
Related photo collection: link.