
HiLumi Photo Contest 2018 - Results

HiLumi Photo Contest 2018: The Beauty of Engineering

Jury members: Isabel Bejar Alonso, Benoit Delille, Didier Steyaert, Nicolas Peray



The artists are: Adria Gallifa Terricabras, Andrea Musso, Arnaud Monteuuis, Beatriz Almeida Ferreira, Beatriz Arias Alonso, Bjorn Hans Filip Lindstrom, Cedric Garion, Erwin Van Hove, Frida Maria Eriksson, Giulio Stancari, Jakub Aleksander Jaros, Joshua Herrera, Jean-Frederic Fuchs, Marco Morrone, Marco Statera, Miguel Mendes, Michel Pangallo, Ofelia Capatina, Pablo Santos Diaz, Paolo Fessia, Rita Ferreira, Simon François Cherault, Slawosz Uznanski, Thomas Lipton.

and the Winners are.....


Cat I - HL-LHC: Pushing the boundaries of Science and Technology

1st - Superconductive skin - Adrià Gallifa Terricabras

2nd - D1 model coils - Andrea Musso

3rd Q2 beam screen prototype - Marco Morrone


Cat 2 - HL-LHC: Teams at work

1st ex aequo - Installing epc rad-tol equipment to cop with harsh

HL-LHC environment - Slawosz Uznanski

1st ex aequo - Purple hands - Rita Ferreira

3rd - Dipole construction - Pablo Santos Diaz


Cat 3 - HL-LHC: Tooling and Infrastructures

1st ex aequo - MQXFB winding tooling - Beatriz Arias Alonso

1st ex aequo - Welder equipment - Jean-Frederic Fuchs

3rd ex aequo - Pushing cables - Rita Ferreira

3rd ex aequo - Coupleur RF - Simon Cherault 


Cat 4 - HL-LHC: Equipment in construction

1st - The iron poles - Marco Statera

2nd - D1 superconducting coils - Andrea Musso

3rd - Ready to focus the beam - Simon Cherault


Special Prize

Best Team Spirit

The Smile

The world through a decapole superferric magnet - Andrea Musso

Hollow cathode in glass bulb - Giulio Stancari

Team involved in the beam screen - Marco Morrone

Security for survey and alignment - Joshua Herrera