TE-MSC Open Days 2024 | CERN Community

TE-MSC Open Days 2024 | CERN Community

people in warehouse-like building by equipment

The Large Magnet Facility, one of the buildings hosting workshops during the the TE-MSC open days. 

The Magnets, Superconductors and Cryostats group of the Technology Department (TE-MSC) opened their doors on 20-21st June to colleagues in the Accelerators and Technologies Sector. The two days of workshops allowed guided visits of different areas, including those whose access is usually restricted.

It was a rare opportunity to explore and synergise the various technical competencies within the group and the whole sector. In total, 9 workshops were held in various technical buildings across the Meyrin and Prévessin sites, from Polymer Lab demonstrations, cabling, and magnet fabrication facilities to superconductor characterization, magnet testing, and cold mass welding.  

Many workshops showcased HiLumi technologies, making it a fantastic opportunity for us to see all the interconnecting processes that go on in the production of cryomagnets and cold powering systems for the HL-LHC (among other projects). These labs are essential for the project and these couple of days showcased some of the many cogs within CERN alone (not even mentioning our international collaborations) that make each part of the HiLumi Project possible.

A selection of photos: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2902384


By Florence Thompson