

Marco Morrone wins student prize

Marco Morrone wins student prize for his poster "Mechanical Design of the HL-LHC beam screens" that was presented during ICHEP16 in Chicago.

New niobium-tin cables for HL-LHC

The production of the new niobium-tin cables for the high-performance superconducting magnets of the HL-LHC is now in full swing at CERN, CERN Bulletin.

The HL-LHC: a bright vision

The HL-LHC: a bright vision, CERN Courier.

Prototype HL-LHC magnet

Prototype HL-LHC magnet undergoes testing, CERN Bulletin.

Shape memory material

"Shape memory" material provides a solution for the HL-LHC, CERN Bulletin.

Issue 16 Accelerating News

Issue 16 of Accelerating News is out featuring the latest on the 11T and LASA-INFN corrector magnets


Super and Ferric

Super and ferric: the first HL-LHC component is ready, CERN Bulletin.