Update on the reconfiguration of the test benches at SM18 for the cold tests of the HL-LHC cryo-magnets
By Marco Buzio, Olivier Pirotte, Frédéric Savary, Gerard Willering (CERN - TE Department)
The qualification tests of the new cryo-magnet assemblies, to ensure their compliance with the HL-LHC specifications, requires a substantial upgrade of the cryogenic test stations in SM18.
SQXL commissioning phase 1C successfully completed
By Nicolas Heredia Garcia, Aleksandra Onufrena, Antonio Perin, and Davide Bozzini (CERN)
The SQXL cryogenic line, an essential component of the HL-LHC IT String, has recently undergone an additional series of commissioning tests in standalone mode without the magnets.