Magnet deliveries kicking off the year
By Florence Thompson and Susana Izquierdo Bermudez (CERN)
In the last couple of months, CERN has received three magnet shipments for the HL-LHC project.
Accelerator Report: Preparing for 2025 LHC operation and setting goals | CERN News
By Rende Steenberg (CERN)
During the Chamonix Workshop last week Rende Steenberg (CERN) wrote about the discussions and decisions starting to take place on the outlines of the 2025 LHC configuration and operational scenarios.
HL-LHC Book Review | CERN Courier
By Mike Seidel (CERN)
A review of the recently published High-Luminosity LHC book.
Full Remote Alignment System qualification on the Single Component Test mock-up
By Mateusz Sosin and Hélène Mainaud Durand (CERN)
CERN’s High-Luminosity LHC: progress, challenges, and what is to come
By Florence Thompson (CERN)
In this Q&A with Oliver Brüning, we take a look at the past year for the HL-LHC Project and what's to come in 2025.
Completion of DFX construction for the HL-LHC Cold Powering Systems
By Amalia Ballarino (CERN)
A collaborative effort between CERN, SOTON and industry has brought us to the successful completion of the complex production.
Successful repair and testing of the first RFD cryomodule
By Rama Calaga (CERN)
The first RF dipole crab cavity cryomodule, which arrived with two major non-conformities, has now been successfully repaired and commissioned.
Test of MQXFB05 completed as series production of the MQXFB magnets continues
By Susana Izquierdo Bermudez (CERN)
The test of the Q2 cold mass containing MQXFB05 has been completed: the quadrupole reached all requirements for HL-LHC operation.
DCM prototype assembly successfully completed and validated
By Carmen Abad Cabrera (CERN)
The D1-DFX Connection Module (DCM) cryostat prototype assembly has been successfully completed and validated with a final pressure test.