

Promising second mock-up coil for the MQYY magnet

Second mock-up coil for the MQYY magnet after winding and polymerization. 

A new JTT shielding adapting ATLAS to Hilumi configuration

For the HL-LHC Collider-Experiment Interface Work Package, their LS3 started last January with the manoeuvres to remove the ATLAS end cup toroid (JTT) shielding (Image: F. Sanchez Galan, CERN).

The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider

Article written by Oliver Brüning and Lucio Rossi and published online by Nature Reviews Physics (2019) on 18 March 2019:

The first of four dispersion suppressor collimators arrived at CERN

The first TCLD collimator produced in industry arrived at CERN on January 30th. This is the first of four dispersion suppressor collimators that will be installed around IP2 and IP7 to improve the collimation performance.