WP14 has the mandate to review and upgrade all the elements of the LHC injection and extraction systems to ensure their compatibility with HL-LHC beam parameters and operation modes.
The design of the injection dump (TDIS), which must protect the LHC aperture in case of malfunctioning of the injection kickers (MKI), is improved in terms of mechanics, robustness, reliability, setup accuracy, impedance and operational aspects in view of operation with beams of higher intensity and brightness.
Additional, mask-like stainless-steel protection elements are to be installed inside the insulation vacuum of the D1 cryostat to better protect this magnet against particle showers from the TDIS.
The TCLIA, an auxiliary collimator which provides additional protection from mis-kicked beam in case of injection failures, is modified and displaced towards the interaction point (IP2) to increase the acceptance of the ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeter.
The injection kicker design is modified (MKI Cool) in order to reduce the beam induced heating in the ferrite yoke and the ceramic chambers are Cr2O3 coated to limit the Secondary Emission Yield (SEY).
The capability to withstand the impact of HL-LHC beams has to be carefully re-assessed for the devices which protect the machine in case of a failure in the beam extraction process (TCDS and TCDQ).
The survival of the beam dump (TDE) has to be ensured, both during nominal operation and in case of beam dilution system failures. The design of all the beam dump components (dump core and windows), their material and response to mechanical stresses and vibrations are thus revised.
Any change in optics or beam trajectories in the injection and beam dump regions has to be validated for compatibility with the operational range of the injection and beam dump elements and the related absorbers. Both tasks require a close collaboration with WP2 and WP5.
The WPL and deputy are charged with the coordination of the efforts within the work package and ensure in conjunction with the HL-LHC project office the progress reporting as well as the documentation and implementation of scope, cost or schedule changes.