The HL-LHC WP17 includes the design, the procurement, the installation and the commissioning of the civil engineering, the electrical distribution, the cooling & ventilation, the access & alarm system, the technical monitoring, the transport, the logistics, the storage and the operational safety of the technical infrastructure at Point 1 and Point 5.
WP17 comprises and coordinates contributions from several groups and departments and is therefore composed of nine sub-work-packages (sWPs).
The sWP17.1 concerns the civil engineering for new buildings, shafts, caverns, and technical galleries. It is hosted by the SCE-PPM group.
The sWP17.2 concerns the electrical distribution network, the power transmission and various AC and DC cabling and is hosted by the EN-EL group with the contribution of the SY-EPC and SCE-PMM groups.
The sWP17.3 concerns the cooling and ventilation systems, including the smoke extraction of the new civil engineering structures and of the machine components. It is hosted by the EN-CV group.
The sWP17.4 is charged with the provision of systems for hazard-detection, alarm, access, and evacuation. It is hosted by the EN-AA group with the contribution of HSE-RP.
The sWP17.5 concerns the technical monitoring and the common controls infrastructure, including ethernet networks and the common controls infrastructure. It is hosted by the EN-AA group with the contribution of the IT-CS and BE-CEM groups.
The sWP17.7 concerns the electrical and manual cranes, the lifts, the drawbridges as well as the fixed and mobile shielding. It is hosted by the EN-HE group.
The sWP17.8 supports the upgrade of test facilities, mainly for a new helium liquefier for the SM18 test stations. It is hosted by the TE-CRG group.
The sWP17.9 concerns the support for logistics, shipping, reception and internal distribution, storage and waste management. It is hosted by the SCE-SSC group.
Finally, the sWP17.10 is charged with the operational safety. It is hosted by the EN-ACE group with the contribution of the HSE units.
The WP Leader and deputy are charged with the coordination of the efforts within the work package and ensure in conjunction with the HL-LHC project office the progress reporting as well as the documentation and implementation of scope, cost or schedule changes.