The work package will be in charge of the deinstallation of the Secondary and Neutral absorbers (TAS and TAN) and the design, manufacturing and installation of the new Secondary and Neutral absorbers in the LHC machine (TAXS, TAXN), and the optimization of the machine-interface regions such as the adaptation of the experiment shielding following the new HL-LHC baseline layout. This includes coordinating the integration and remote handling studies being performed together with other work packages, experiments and the machine, and the reporting to the correspondent HL-LHC and machine working groups.
The work package will consider and coordinate the required physics requirements at the interaction point and in the forward region of the main experiments along with LHC machine constraints to evaluate the backgrounds and particle fluences induced in triggering, monitoring and physics detectors for various modes of HL-LHC operation, considering both routine operation and various pathological conditions. In particular:
- In collaboration with the experiments and other High Luminosity work packages, WP8 will be responsible of the verification to assess the viability of various design options and thus, mechanical, electromagnetic and vacuum calculations will be coordinated, performed and oversighted.
- In collaboration with HSE-RP, WP8 will be responsible for the ALARA approach to the region, coordinating and evaluating via simulations the fluence, dose rate, integrated dose and activation to be expected in the forward shielding region of the experimental caverns, for the principal HL-LHC design options being considered and for various intervention scenarios. covering also the study of possible shielding configurations compatible with HL-LHC operation based upon radiation calculations, taking into account the radiation tolerance of equipment and the calculated magnetic fields and forces.
- In collaboration with TE-VSC, it will take also into account the beampipe design modifications and their inherent constraints to surrounding equipment for the high luminosity insertions at the HL-LHC.
The WPL and deputy are charged with the coordination of the efforts within the work package and ensure in conjunction with the HL-LHC project office the progress reporting as well as the documentation and implementation of scope, cost or schedule changes.